Lucy Jung, PhD

Lucy Jung, PhD

Research Fellow in Biomedical Informatics
Mentor: Peter Park, PhD

Lucy Jung finished her PhD from Speech and Hearing program in the division of Health Science Technology at MIT. Since joining the Park lab at DBMI, she has shifted her research interest to epigenomics. Lucy has specialized in computational analysis of epigenetic data, especially for data from chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq). One of her main projects was to perform integrative analysis of various functional genomics datasets for the Drosophila modENCODE project. She also has worked closely with several experimental biologists around the Longwood area on analysis of chromatin data, on topics such as dosage compensation, Polycomb complex, and cellular reprogramming.

Identification of functional elements and regulatory circuits by Drosophila modENCODE.
Authors: Roy S, Ernst J, Kharchenko PV, Kheradpour P, Negre N, Eaton ML, Landolin JM, Bristow CA, Ma L, Lin MF, Washietl S, Arshinoff BI, Ay F, Meyer PE, Robine N, Washington NL, Di Stefano L, Berezikov E, Brown CD, Candeias R, Carlson JW, Carr A, Jungreis I, Marbach D, Sealfon R, Tolstorukov MY, Will S, Alekseyenko AA, Artieri C, Booth BW, Brooks AN, Dai Q, Davis CA, Duff MO, Feng X, Gorchakov AA, Gu T, Henikoff JG, Kapranov P, Li R, MacAlpine HK, Malone J, Minoda A, Nordman J, Okamura K, Perry M, Powell SK, Riddle NC, Sakai A, Samsonova A, Sandler JE, Schwartz YB, Sher N, Spokony R, Sturgill D, van Baren M, Wan KH, Yang L, Yu C, Feingold E, Good P, Guyer M, Lowdon R, Ahmad K, Andrews J, Berger B, Brenner SE, Brent MR, Cherbas L, Elgin SC, Gingeras TR, Grossman R, Hoskins RA, Kaufman TC, Kent W, Kuroda MI, Orr-Weaver T, Perrimon N, Pirrotta V, Posakony JW, Ren B, Russell S, Cherbas P, Graveley BR, Lewis S, Micklem G, Oliver B, Park PJ, Celniker SE, Henikoff S, Karpen GH, Lai EC, MacAlpine DM, Stein LD, White KP, Kellis M.
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