Postdoctoral Positions in the Lab of Maha Farhat

The Farhat Lab in the Department of Biomedical Informatics is seeking a highly motivated ‘dry lab’ postdoctoral research fellow interested in pursuing innovative studies in the field of infectious disease genomics and its translation to the clinic. The research aims to enhance our understanding of the biology of M. tuberculosis infections and identify molecular markers for the diagnosis and surveillance. This position provides outstanding opportunities for continued scientific development and for contributing to pioneering research. Specifically, the fellow will apply as well as develop code to process and analyze mycobacterial molecular and phenotype data. Including code that is production-ready for dissemination to other laboratories and for diagnostic use, and the management of large-scale data. They will join a team of computational and experimental postdoctoral fellows, graduate, and undergraduate students, and a software and web engineer.

Qualifications/Preferred Skillsets
  • PhD in Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Microbiology, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Applied Math, or related field.
  • Strong coding/computing skills.
  • Familiarity or strong interest in the analysis of pathogen genomic/molecular data

Please send your application to

Maha Farhat

Maha Farhat, MD, MSc

Gilbert S. Omenn Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Associate Director, Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) PhD Track

Farhat Lab