Mara Alexeev

Mara Alexeev, MD, MPH, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Biomedical Informatics Research Training Fellow, 2020 - 2022

BIRT Fellowship

Caroline Canning

Caroline Canning, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Pinar Eser

Pinar Ozden Eser, PhD, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Biomedical Informatics Research Training Fellow, 2020 - 2022

BIRT Fellowship

Ellie Fleming

Eleanor Fleming, PhD, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Biomedical Informatics Research Training Fellow, 2020 - 2022

BIRT Fellowship

Mitch Izower

Mitchell Izower, MD, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Danny Jomaa

Danny Jomaa, MSc, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Ellen Kim

Ellen Kim, MD, MPH, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Biomedical Informatics Research Training Fellow, 2020 - 2022

BIRT Fellowship

Man Qing Liang

Man Qing Liang, PharmD, MHA, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Jayson Marwaha

Jayson Marwaha, MD, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Biomedical Informatics Research Training Fellow, 2020 - 2022

BIRT Fellowship

Mirja Mittermaier

Mirja Mittermaier, MD, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Lily Payvandi

Lily Payvandi, MD, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Fiona Song

Xuan Song, PhD, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Ariel Carmeli

Ariel Carmeli, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Jiaye Chen

Jiaye Chen, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Meredith Cox

Meredith Cox, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Polly Gabrieli

Polly Gabrieli, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Sina Hartung

Sina Hartung, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Yijia Jiang

Yijia Jiang, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Jane Kim

Jeongeun Kim, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Lanting Li

Lanting Li, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Kelsey Luu

Kelsey Luu, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Taylor Shishido

Taylor Shishido, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Daniel Tan

Daniel Tan, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Tiffany Tuedor

Tiffany Tuedor, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Shangshang Wang

Shangshang Wang, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Eric Yang

Eric Yang, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Shijia Zhang

Shijia Zhang, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022

Luoting Zhuang

Luoting Zhuang, MBI

Master of Biomedical Informatics, Class of 2022