The Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Research Training (BIRT) Program is a consortium of leading informatics laboratories at Harvard Medical School. It is supported by a training grant from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

This postdoctoral fellowship is available for United States citizens and permanent residents and provides up to two years of funding, including stipend, tuition, travel funds, and training-related expenses. In addition to research training, fellows are provided with many opportunities for collaboration, networking, and professional development. 

Eligibility Criteria
  • US Citizens or US Permanent Resident
  • Doctoral degree in biomedical informatics, informatics, data science, computational biology, closely related field OR another PhD with substantial graduate-level research experience using computational methods applied to biomedical data.
  • No more than four years of NLM trainee support previously (whether predoc or postdoc)
  • No more than one year of postdoc support from any other NIH training grant or fellowship (individual or institutional)

To apply for the BIRT fellowship, please send the following materials as one pdf file to the BIRT administrative contact.

  • CV (Please include the names of three references)
  • A general description of your research interests
  • Most recent academic transcripts
  • The name of three faculty members you would like to work with. You may include any DBMI faculty or Harvard-appointed faculty doing computational or quantitative research focused on biomedical data. 
  • Preferred start date (see below)
Start Dates
  • On or around July 1, 2025 - Send your application materials by February 1st, 2025