Photos of Our Celebrations and Initiatives
HMS Dean George Daley greets donors Francesca and Ivan Berkowitz at the dedication held at DBMI.
Francesca and Ivan Berkowitz are shown with the plaque honoring what their donation has made possible.
Left to right are Co-Director Isaac Kohane, Ivan and Francesca Berkowitz, Co-Director Ran Balicer, and HMS Dean George Daley
Members of DBMI and Clalit Research Institute at the dedication
Members of the Clalit team, left to right: Adi Berliner Senderey, Ran Balicer, Noa Dagan, Shay Ben-Shachar, Reut Ohana
Members of both DBMI and Clalit gather at co-director Isaac Kohane's home for dinner.
DBMI Executive Director Susanne Churchill gives inaugural keynote seminar to a gathering at Clalit Research Institute
The rapt audience at Dr. Churchill's seminar.
Audience members gather at the close of Dr. Churchill's remarks.
Various members of HMS and Clalit
DBMI's Assistant Professor Marinka Zitnik gives a talk at Clalit.
More of Professor Zitnik's talk
Berkowitz Research Fellow Ruth Johnson gives a talk at Clalit
DBMI's Marinka Zitnik and Ruth Johnson and Clalit's Reut Ohana enjoy lunch together in Israel