Adam Wright

Adam Wright, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine, BWH
Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics, HMS (Secondary)
1620 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02120

Adam Wright leads a team of biomedical informatics researchers, physicians, computer scientists and students focused on improving the way that electronic health records work. His team concentrates on clinical decision support systems and data mining of extremely large clinical datasets. He has a particular interest in improving clinical problem lists, using health information technology to prevent instances of medical malpractice and patient harm and ensuring electronic health records operate safely. His group receives funding from the NIH's National Library of Medicine and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and a variety of other foundations and groups. In addition to research, Wright also directs the introductory courses in biomedical informatics at Harvard (BMI 701 and BMI 702), and teaches medical students during the January term.

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words. The Use of Clinical Images in Electronic Medical Records.
Authors: Ai AC, Maloney FL, Hickman TT, Wilcox AR, Ramelson H, Wright A.
Appl Clin Inform
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Learning from errors: analysis of medication order voiding in CPOE systems.
Authors: Kannampallil TG, Abraham J, Solotskaya A, Philip SG, Lambert BL, Schiff GD, Wright A, Galanter WL.
J Am Med Inform Assoc
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Analysis of variations in the display of drug names in computerized prescriber-order-entry systems.
Authors: Quist AJ, Hickman TT, Amato MG, Volk LA, Salazar A, Robertson A, Wright A, Bates DW, Phansalkar S, Lambert BL, Schiff GD.
Am J Health Syst Pharm
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Changes in the quality of care during progress from stage 1 to stage 2 of Meaningful Use.
Authors: Levine DM, Healey MJ, Wright A, Bates DW, Linder JA, Samal L.
J Am Med Inform Assoc
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Variation in high-priority drug-drug interaction alerts across institutions and electronic health records.
Authors: McEvoy DS, Sittig DF, Hickman TT, Aaron S, Ai A, Amato M, Bauer DW, Fraser GM, Harper J, Kennemer A, Krall MA, Lehmann CU, Malhotra S, Murphy DR, O'Kelley B, Samal L, Schreiber R, Singh H, Thomas EJ, Vartian CV, Westmorland J, McCoy AB, Wright A.
J Am Med Inform Assoc
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Computerized prescriber order entry-related patient safety reports: analysis of 2522 medication errors.
Authors: Amato MG, Salazar A, Hickman TT, Quist AJ, Volk LA, Wright A, McEvoy D, Galanter WL, Koppel R, Loudin B, Adelman J, McGreevey JD, Smith DH, Bates DW, Schiff GD.
J Am Med Inform Assoc
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Testing electronic health records in the "production" environment: an essential step in the journey to a safe and effective health care system.
Authors: Wright A, Aaron S, Sittig DF.
J Am Med Inform Assoc
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Methods for Detecting Malfunctions in Clinical Decision Support Systems.
Authors: Wright A, Hickman TT, McEvoy D, Aaron S, Ai A, Ash JS, Andersen JM, Ramoni R, Hauskrecht M, Embi P, Schreiber R, Sittig DF, Bates DW.
Stud Health Technol Inform
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A Concept-Wide Association Study of Clinical Notes to Discover New Predictors of Kidney Failure.
Authors: Singh K, Betensky RA, Wright A, Curhan GC, Bates DW, Waikar SS.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol
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New Unintended Adverse Consequences of Electronic Health Records.
Authors: Sittig DF, Wright A, Ash J, Singh H.
Yearb Med Inform
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