GENCODE: reference annotation for the human and mouse genomes in 2023.
Authors: Frankish A, Carbonell-Sala S, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Arnan C, Barnes I, Banerjee A, Bennett R, Berry A, Bignell A, Boix C, Calvet F, Cerdán-Vélez D, Cunningham F, Davidson C, Donaldson S, Dursun C, Fatima R, Giorgetti S, Giron CG, Gonzalez JM, Hardy M, Harrison PW, Hourlier T, Hollis Z, Hunt T, James B, Jiang Y, Johnson R, Kay M, Lagarde J, Martin FJ, Gómez LM, Nair S, Ni P, Pozo F, Ramalingam V, Ruffier M, Schmitt BM, Schreiber JM, Steed E, Suner MM, Sumathipala D, Sycheva I, Uszczynska-Ratajczak B, Wass E, Yang YT, Yates A, Zafrulla Z, Choudhary JS, Gerstein M, Guigo R, Hubbard TJP, Kellis M, Kundaje A, Paten B, Tress ML, Flicek P.
Nucleic Acids Res
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Nucleic Acids Res
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Neurons burdened by DNA double-strand breaks incite microglia activation through antiviral-like signaling in neurodegeneration.
Authors: Welch GM, Boix CA, Schmauch E, Davila-Velderrain J, Victor MB, Dileep V, Bozzelli PL, Su Q, Cheng JD, Lee A, Leary NS, Pfenning AR, Kellis M, Tsai LH.
Sci Adv
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Sci Adv
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Regulatory genomic circuitry of human disease loci by integrative epigenomics.
Authors: Frankish A, Diekhans M, Jungreis I, Lagarde J, Loveland JE, Mudge JM, Sisu C, Wright JC, Armstrong J, Barnes I, Berry A, Bignell A, Boix C, Carbonell Sala S, Cunningham F, Di Domenico T, Donaldson S, Fiddes IT, García Girón C, Gonzalez JM, Grego T, Hardy M, Hourlier T, Howe KL, Hunt T, Izuogu OG, Johnson R, Martin FJ, Martínez L, Mohanan S, Muir P, Navarro FCP, Parker A, Pei B, Pozo F, Riera FC, Ruffier M, Schmitt BM, Stapleton E, Suner MM, Sycheva I, Uszczynska-Ratajczak B, Wolf MY, Xu J, Yang YT, Yates A, Zerbino D, Zhang Y, Choudhary JS, Gerstein M, Guigó R, Hubbard TJP, Kellis M, Paten B, Tress ML, Flicek P.
Nucleic Acids Res
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Nucleic Acids Res
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Conserved Epigenetic Regulatory Logic Infers Genes Governing Cell Identity.
Authors: Shim WJ, Sinniah E, Xu J, Vitrinel B, Alexanian M, Andreoletti G, Shen S, Sun Y, Balderson B, Boix C, Peng G, Jing N, Wang Y, Kellis M, Tam PPL, Smith A, Piper M, Christiaen L, Nguyen Q, Bodén M, Palpant NJ.
Cell Syst
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Cell Syst
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Strain-level diversity drives alternative community types in millimetre-scale granular biofilms.
Authors: Leventhal GE, Boix C, Kuechler U, Enke TN, Sliwerska E, Holliger C, Cordero OX.
Nat Microbiol
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Nat Microbiol
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