Chirag Patel, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Chirag Patel's long-term research goal is to address problems in human health and disease by developing computational and bioinformatics methods to reproducibly and efficiently reason over high-throughput data streams spanning molecules to populations. Patel's group aims to dissect inter-individual differences in human phenomes through strategies that integrate data sources that capture the comprehensive clinical experience (e.g., through the electronic medical record), the complex phenomena of environmental exposure (e.g., high-throughput measures of the exposome), and inherited genomic variation. He received his doctorate in biomedical informatics from Stanford University.
DBMI Research Areas
DBMI Courses
- BMI 704 - Data Science I: Data Science for Medical Decision Making
- BMI 722 - Topics in Translational Biomedical Informatics
Career Opportunities
Data-driven assessment, contextualisation and implementation of 134 variables in the risk for type 2 diabetes: an analysis of Lifelines, a prospective cohort study in the Netherlands.
Temporal exposure and consistency of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a longitudinal study of individuals with impaired fasting glucose.
Authors: van der Meer TP, Chung MK, van Faassen M, Makris KC, van Beek AP, Kema IP, Wolffenbuttel BHR, van Vliet-Ostaptchouk JV, Patel CJ.
Environ Res
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Environ Res
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Gene-level metagenomic architectures across diseases yield high-resolution microbiome diagnostic indicators.
Prevalence of Fatty Liver Disease is Driven by Prediabetes and Diabetes: US NHANES 2017-2018.
Laboratory-wide association study of survival with prostate cancer.
Authors: Sohlberg EM, Thomas IC, Yang J, Kapphahn K, Velaer KN, Goldstein MK, Wagner TH, Chertow GM, Brooks JD, Patel CJ, Desai M, Leppert JT.
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Comparisons of Polyexposure, Polygenic, and Clinical Risk Scores in Risk Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes.
Authors: He Y, Lakhani CM, Rasooly D, Manrai AK, Tzoulaki I, Patel CJ.
Diabetes Care
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Diabetes Care
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Examining the robustness of observational associations to model, measurement and sampling uncertainty with the vibration of effects framework.
Authors: Klau S, Hoffmann S, Patel CJ, Ioannidis JP, Boulesteix AL.
Int J Epidemiol
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Int J Epidemiol
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Association of 152 Biomarker Reference Intervals with All-Cause Mortality in Participants of a General United States Survey from 1999 to 2010.
Authors: Pho N, Manrai AK, Leppert JT, Chertow GM, Ioannidis JPA, Patel CJ.
Clin Chem
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Clin Chem
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What about the environment? Leveraging multi-omic datasets to characterize the environment's role in human health.
Authors: Passero K, Setia-Verma S, McAllister K, Manrai A, Patel C, Hall M.
Pac Symp Biocomput
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Pac Symp Biocomput
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Plasma metabolomics of autism spectrum disorder and influence of shared components in proband families.
Authors: Chung MK, Smith MR, Lin Y, Walker DI, Jones D, Patel CJ, Kong SW.
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