Dominik Glodzik

Dominik Glodzik, PhD

Instructor in Biomedical Informatics

Dominik Glodzik's research at Harvard DBMI is focused on applications of statistical algorithms to understand, treat, and detect cancer early.

During his postdoctoral fellowship at the Sanger Institute in the groups of Sir Prof Mike Stratton and Prof Serena Nik-Zainal, he became an expert on detecting patterns of mutations in cancer genomes. Specifically, he pioneered using supervised machine learning methods to understand mutational processes in cancer. His most widely used algorithm is HRDetect (Nature Medicine, Davies and Glodzik et al., 2017). This algorithm identifies cancer patients with homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) from genome sequencing data, widening the population of patients eligible for therapies. 

On-going work is focused on the following areas:

  • machine learning methods for the prediction of therapeutic vulnerabilities from mutational patterns (mutational signatures) in cancer, using the principle of synthetic lethality. 
  • utilizing known mutational patterns to create more sensitive liquid biopsies for early cancer detection.
Recent Advances in Genomic Approaches for the Detection of Homologous Recombination Deficiency.
Authors: Kim YN, Gulhan DC, Jin H, Glodzik D, Park PJ.
Cancer Res Treat
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Subclonal Somatic Copy-Number Alterations Emerge and Dominate in Recurrent Osteosarcoma.
Authors: Kinnaman MD, Zaccaria S, Makohon-Moore A, Arnold B, Levine MF, Gundem G, Arango Ossa JE, Glodzik D, Rodríguez-Sánchez MI, Bouvier N, Li S, Stockfisch E, Dunigan M, Cobbs C, Bhanot UK, You D, Mullen K, Melchor JP, Ortiz MV, O'Donohue TJ, Slotkin EK, Wexler LH, Dela Cruz FS, Hameed MR, Glade Bender JL, Tap WD, Meyers PA, Papaemmanuil E, Kung AL, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA.
Cancer Res
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Functional patient-derived organoid screenings identify MCLA-158 as a therapeutic EGFR × LGR5 bispecific antibody with efficacy in epithelial tumors.
Authors: Herpers B, Eppink B, James MI, Cortina C, Cañellas-Socias A, Boj SF, Hernando-Momblona X, Glodzik D, Roovers RC, van de Wetering M, Bartelink-Clements C, Zondag-van der Zande V, Mateos JG, Yan K, Salinaro L, Basmeleh A, Fatrai S, Maussang D, Lammerts van Bueren JJ, Chicote I, Serna G, Cabellos L, Ramírez L, Nuciforo P, Salazar R, Santos C, Villanueva A, Stephan-Otto Attolini C, Sancho E, Palmer HG, Tabernero J, Stratton MR, de Kruif J, Logtenberg T, Clevers H, Price LS, Vries RGJ, Batlle E, Throsby M.
Nat Cancer
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Revealing the impact of structural variants in multiple myeloma.
Authors: Rustad EH, Yellapantula VD, Glodzik D, Maclachlan KH, Diamond B, Boyle EM, Ashby C, Blaney P, Gundem G, Hultcrantz M, Leongamornlert D, Angelopoulos N, Agnelli L, Auclair D, Zhang Y, Dogan A, Bolli N, Papaemmanuil E, Anderson KC, Moreau P, Avet-Loiseau H, Munshi NC, Keats JJ, Campbell PJ, Morgan GJ, Landgren O, Maura F.
Blood Cancer Discov
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Cancer therapy shapes the fitness landscape of clonal hematopoiesis.
Authors: Bolton KL, Ptashkin RN, Gao T, Braunstein L, Devlin SM, Kelly D, Patel M, Berthon A, Syed A, Yabe M, Coombs CC, Caltabellotta NM, Walsh M, Offit K, Stadler Z, Mandelker D, Schulman J, Patel A, Philip J, Bernard E, Gundem G, Ossa JEA, Levine M, Martinez JSM, Farnoud N, Glodzik D, Li S, Robson ME, Lee C, Pharoah PDP, Stopsack KH, Spitzer B, Mantha S, Fagin J, Boucai L, Gibson CJ, Ebert BL, Young AL, Druley T, Takahashi K, Gillis N, Ball M, Padron E, Hyman DM, Baselga J, Norton L, Gardos S, Klimek VM, Scher H, Bajorin D, Paraiso E, Benayed R, Arcila ME, Ladanyi M, Solit DB, Berger MF, Tallman M, Garcia-Closas M, Chatterjee N, Diaz LA, Levine RL, Morton LM, Zehir A, Papaemmanuil E.
Nat Genet
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Comprehensive molecular comparison of BRCA1 hypermethylated and BRCA1 mutated triple negative breast cancers.
Authors: Glodzik D, Bosch A, Hartman J, Aine M, Vallon-Christersson J, Reuterswärd C, Karlsson A, Mitra S, Niméus E, Holm K, Häkkinen J, Hegardt C, Saal LH, Larsson C, Malmberg M, Rydén L, Ehinger A, Loman N, Kvist A, Ehrencrona H, Nik-Zainal S, Borg Å, Staaf J.
Nat Commun
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Author Correction: A practical framework and online tool for mutational signature analyses show intertissue variation and driver dependencies.
Authors: Degasperi A, Amarante TD, Czarnecki J, Shooter S, Zou X, Glodzik D, Morganella S, Nanda AS, Badja C, Koh G, Momen SE, Georgakopoulos-Soares I, Dias JML, Young J, Memari Y, Davies H, Nik-Zainal S.
Nat Cancer
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11p15.5 epimutations in children with Wilms tumor and hepatoblastoma detected in peripheral blood.
Authors: Fiala EM, Ortiz MV, Kennedy JA, Glodzik D, Fleischut MH, Duffy KA, Hathaway ER, Heaton T, Gerstle JT, Steinherz P, Shukla N, McNeer N, Tkachuk K, Bouvier N, Cadoo K, Carlo MI, Latham A, Dubard Gault M, Joseph V, Kemel Y, Kentsis A, Stadler Z, La Quaglia M, Papaemmanuil E, Friedman D, Ganguly A, Kung A, Offit K, Kalish JM, Walsh MF.
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A practical framework and online tool for mutational signature analyses show inter-tissue variation and driver dependencies.
Authors: Degasperi A, Amarante TD, Czarnecki J, Shooter S, Zou X, Glodzik D, Morganella S, Nanda AS, Badja C, Koh G, Momen SE, Georgakopoulos-Soares I, Dias JML, Young J, Memari Y, Davies H, Nik-Zainal S.
Nat Cancer
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Whole-genome sequencing of triple-negative breast cancers in a population-based clinical study.
Authors: Staaf J, Glodzik D, Bosch A, Vallon-Christersson J, Reuterswärd C, Häkkinen J, Degasperi A, Amarante TD, Saal LH, Hegardt C, Stobart H, Ehinger A, Larsson C, Rydén L, Loman N, Malmberg M, Kvist A, Ehrencrona H, Davies HR, Borg Å, Nik-Zainal S.
Nat Med
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