John Samuel Brownstein, Ph.D.

John Brownstein, PhD

Professor of Pediatrics, Boston Children's Hospital
Affiliate Member, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School

John Brownstein is Chief Innovation Officer at Boston Children’s Hospital, a position shaped in large part by his career-long success in using emerging technologies to help clarify patterns of disease and promote public health interventions. His work has pioneered ‘digital epidemiology’—utilizing diverse digital data sources to understand population health—and his expertise here and in the area of geographic information systems has provided a key role in guiding DBMI on the consideration of place as a key disease risk factor. His portfolio at BCH includes grants from NIH, USAID, DoD, IARPA, CDC, Google, Skoll and Gates Foundation. Following receipt of his PhD in Epidemiology from Yale, Brownstein did a postdoctoral fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) before becoming a member of the faculty at BCH. 

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Authors: Lee B, Brownstein JS, Kohane IS.
Sci Rep
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Adherence to non-pharmaceutical interventions following COVID-19 vaccination: a federated cohort study.
Authors: Rader B, Sehgal NKR, Michelman J, Mellem S, Schultheiss MD, Hoddes T, MacFarlane J, Clark G, O'Banion S, Eastham P, Tuli G, Taylor JA, Brownstein JS.
NPJ Digit Med
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Spatial Accessibility and Uptake of Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccinations by Social Vulnerability.
Authors: Khazanchi R, Rader B, Cantor J, McManus KA, Bravata DM, Weintraub R, Whaley C, Brownstein JS.
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Examining the Role of Physician Characteristics in Web-Based Verified Primary Care Physician Reviews: Observational Study.
Authors: Sehgal NKR, Rader B, Brownstein JS.
J Med Internet Res
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Further Reflections on the Use of Large Language Models in Pediatrics.
Authors: Rader B, Hswen Y, Brownstein JS.
JAMA Pediatr
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Mobilizing data during a crisis: Building rapid evidence pipelines using multi-institutional real world data.
Authors: Marwaha JS, Downing M, Halamka J, Abernethy A, Franklin JB, Anderson B, Kohane I, Wagholikar K, Brownstein J, Haendel M, Brat GA.
Healthc (Amst)
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Vaccine effectiveness against emerging COVID-19 variants using digital health data.
Authors: Varrelman TJ, Rader B, Remmel C, Tuli G, Han AR, Astley CM, Brownstein JS.
Commun Med (Lond)
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Evaluation of an automated feedback intervention to improve antibiotic prescribing among primary care physicians (OPEN Stewardship): a multinational controlled interrupted time-series study.
Authors: Soucy J-PR, Low M, Acharya KR, Ellen M, Hulth A, Löfmark S, Garber GE, Watson W, Moran-Gilad J, Davidovitch N, Amar T, McCready J, Orava M, Brownstein JS, Brown KA, Fisman DN, MacFadden DR.
Microbiol Spectr
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Using EpiCore to Enable Rapid Verification of Potential Health Threats: Illustrated Use Cases and Summary Statistics.
Authors: Divi N, Mantero J, Libel M, Leal Neto O, Schultheiss M, Sewalk K, Brownstein J, Smolinski M.
JMIR Public Health Surveill
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The impact of abortion bans on short-term housing needs.
Authors: Sehgal NKR, Hswen Y, Cantor J, Upadhyay UD, Reis BY, Remmel C, Brownstein JS, Rader B.
Public Health
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