Nils Gehlenborg

Nils Gehlenborg, PhD

Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Director, Master of Medical Sciences in Biomedical Informatics (MMSc-BMI) Program

10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115

Nils Gehlenborg  received his PhD from the University of Cambridge and was a predoctoral fellow at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI).

The goal of Gehlenborg’s research is to improve human health by developing computational techniques and interfaces that enable scientists and clinicians to efficiently interact with biomedical data. Tight integration of algorithmic approaches from biomedical informatics with advanced data visualization techniques is central to his efforts, as is close collaboration with clinicians and experimentalists. Currently, Gehlenborg is researching and developing novel tools to visualize heterogeneous data from large-scale cancer genomics studies such as The Cancer Genome Atlas, integrating visual and computational approaches to support sense-making in biology, and using software to support reproducible collaborative research in epigenomics and genomics.

Gehlenborg is a co-founder and former general chair of BioVis, the Symposium on Biological Data Visualization, and co-founder of VIZBI, the annual workshop on Visualizing Biological Data. Occasionally, he contributes to the “Points of View” data visualization column in Nature Methods.

Gehlenborg currently serves as the Director of the Master of Medical Sciences in Biomedical Informatics (MMSc-BMI) program at Harvard Medical School.

DBMI Research Areas
DBMI Courses
Viv: multiscale visualization of high-resolution multiplexed bioimaging data on the web.
Authors: Manz T, Gold I, Patterson NH, McCallum C, Keller MS, Herr BW, Börner K, Spraggins JM, Gehlenborg N.
Nat Methods
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Effective Communication of Personalized Risks and Patient Preferences During Surgical Informed Consent Using Data Visualization: Qualitative Semistructured Interview Study With Patients After Surgery.
Authors: Gisladottir U, Nakikj D, Jhunjhunwala R, Panton J, Brat G, Gehlenborg N.
JMIR Hum Factors
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MITI minimum information guidelines for highly multiplexed tissue images.
Authors: Schapiro D, Yapp C, Sokolov A, Reynolds SM, Chen YA, Sudar D, Xie Y, Muhlich J, Arias-Camison R, Arena S, Taylor AJ, Nikolov M, Tyler M, Lin JR, Burlingame EA, Chang YH, Farhi SL, Thorsson V, Venkatamohan N, Drewes JL, Pe'er D, Gutman DA, Herrmann MD, Gehlenborg N, Bankhead P, Roland JT, Herndon JM, Snyder MP, Angelo M, Nolan G, Swedlow JR, Schultz N, Merrick DT, Mazzili SA, Cerami E, Rodig SJ, Santagata S, Sorger PK.
Nat Methods
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Authorship Correction: International Changes in COVID-19 Clinical Trajectories Across 315 Hospitals and 6 Countries: Retrospective Cohort Study.
Authors: Weber GM, Zhang HG, L'Yi S, Bonzel CL, Hong C, Avillach P, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Palmer NP, Tan ALM, Wang X, Yuan W, Gehlenborg N, Alloni A, Amendola DF, Bellasi A, Bellazzi R, Beraghi M, Bucalo M, Chiovato L, Cho K, Dagliati A, Estiri H, Follett RW, García Barrio N, Hanauer DA, Henderson DW, Ho YL, Holmes JH, Hutch MR, Kavuluru R, Kirchoff K, Klann JG, Krishnamurthy AK, Le TT, Liu M, Loh NHW, Lozano-Zahonero S, Luo Y, Maidlow S, Makoudjou A, Malovini A, Martins MR, Moal B, Morris M, Mowery DL, Murphy SN, Neuraz A, Ngiam KY, Okoshi MP, Omenn GS, Patel LP, Pedrera Jiménez M, Prudente RA, Samayamuthu MJ, Sanz Vidorreta FJ, Schriver ER, Schubert P, Serrano Balazote P, Tan BW, Tanni SE, Tibollo V, Visweswaran S, Wagholikar KB, Xia Z, Zöller D, Kohane IS, Cai T, South AM, Brat GA.
J Med Internet Res
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International Changes in COVID-19 Clinical Trajectories Across 315 Hospitals and 6 Countries: Retrospective Cohort Study.
Authors: Weber GM, Zhang HG, L'Yi S, Bonzel CL, Hong C, Avillach P, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Palmer NP, Tan ALM, Wang X, Yuan W, Gehlenborg N, Alloni A, Amendola DF, Bellasi A, Bellazzi R, Beraghi M, Bucalo M, Chiovato L, Cho K, Dagliati A, Estiri H, Follett RW, García Barrio N, Hanauer DA, Henderson DW, Ho YL, Holmes JH, Hutch MR, Kavuluru R, Kirchoff K, Klann JG, Krishnamurthy AK, Le TT, Liu M, Loh NHW, Lozano-Zahonero S, Luo Y, Maidlow S, Makoudjou A, Malovini A, Martins MR, Moal B, Morris M, Mowery DL, Murphy SN, Neuraz A, Ngiam KY, Okoshi MP, Omenn GS, Patel LP, Pedrera Jiménez M, Prudente RA, Samayamuthu MJ, Sanz Vidorreta FJ, Schriver ER, Schubert P, Serrano Balazote P, Tan BW, Tanni SE, Tibollo V, Visweswaran S, Wagholikar KB, Xia Z, Zöller D, Kohane IS, Cai T, South AM, Brat GA.
J Med Internet Res
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Gosling: A Grammar-based Toolkit for Scalable and Interactive Genomics Data Visualization.
Authors: L'Yi S, Wang Q, Lekschas F, Gehlenborg N.
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
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ThreadStates: State-based Visual Analysis of Disease Progression.
Authors: Wang Q, Mazor T, Harbig TA, Cerami E, Gehlenborg N.
IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
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OncoThreads: visualization of large-scale longitudinal cancer molecular data.
Authors: Harbig TA, Nusrat S, Mazor T, Wang Q, Thomson A, Bitter H, Cerami E, Gehlenborg N.
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International Analysis of Electronic Health Records of Children and Youth Hospitalized With COVID-19 Infection in 6 Countries.
Authors: Bourgeois FT, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Keller MS, Liu M, Hong C, Bonzel CL, Tan ALM, Aronow BJ, Boeker M, Booth J, Cruz Rojo J, Devkota B, García Barrio N, Gehlenborg N, Geva A, Hanauer DA, Hutch MR, Issitt RW, Klann JG, Luo Y, Mandl KD, Mao C, Moal B, Moshal KL, Murphy SN, Neuraz A, Ngiam KY, Omenn GS, Patel LP, Jiménez MP, Sebire NJ, Balazote PS, Serret-Larmande A, South AM, Spiridou A, Taylor DM, Tippmann P, Visweswaran S, Weber GM, Kohane IS, Cai T, Avillach P.
JAMA Netw Open
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What Every Reader Should Know About Studies Using Electronic Health Record Data but May be Afraid to Ask.
Authors: Kohane IS, Aronow BJ, Avillach P, Beaulieu-Jones BK, Bellazzi R, Bradford RL, Brat GA, Cannataro M, Cimino JJ, García-Barrio N, Gehlenborg N, Ghassemi M, Gutiérrez-Sacristán A, Hanauer DA, Holmes JH, Hong C, Klann JG, Loh NHW, Luo Y, Mandl KD, Mohamad D, Moore JH, Murphy SN, Neuraz A, Ngiam KY, Omenn GS, Palmer N, Patel LP, Pedrera-Jiménez M, Sliz P, South AM, Tan ALM, Taylor DM, Taylor BW, Torti C, Vallejos AK, Wagholikar KB, Weber GM, Cai T.
J Med Internet Res
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