Ofer Isakov

Ofer Isakov, MD, PhD

Berkowitz Family Living Laboratory Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Ofer Isakov is a physician-scientist with a specialty in internal medicine. Ofer is a graduate of the MD/PhD program in Tel Aviv University. His doctoral dissertation focused on the development and application of bioinformatics tools to study human and microbial genomics. During his residency, Ofer led a bioinformatics lab at the Tel Aviv Medical Center, which focused on applying machine learning methods to study clinical questions. Ofer serves as the head of bioinformatics at the genomics center in Clalit. His responsibilities include conception, incorporation and validation of the methods, tools and infrastructure required for analysis of genomic data. Ofer’s research interests include rare genetic disease diagnosis, characterization of genotype-phenotype associations and development of novel genomic data science methods.

PANGEN: an online platform for the comparison and creation of diagnostic gene panels.
Authors: Isakov O, Marek-Yagel D, Greenberg R, Naftali M, Ben-Shachar S.
Database (Oxford)
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Development and Validation of a Colorectal Cancer Prediction Model: A Nationwide Cohort-Based Study.
Authors: Isakov O, Riesel D, Leshchinsky M, Shaham G, Reis BY, Keret D, Levi Z, Brener B, Balicer R, Dagan N, Hayek S.
Dig Dis Sci
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Dominant frontonasal dysplasia with ectodermal defects results from increased activity of ALX4.
Authors: Peled A, Sarig O, Mohamad J, Eskin-Schwartz M, Vodo D, Bochner R, Malchin N, Isakov O, Shomron N, Fainberg G, Bertolini M, Paus R, Sprecher E.
Am J Med Genet A
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Authors: Greenberg R, Isakov O, Ben Shahar S, Sagi-Dain L.
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Data From a One-Stop-Shop Comprehensive Cancer Screening Center.
Authors: Bernstein E, Lev-Ari S, Shapira S, Leshno A, Sommer U, Al-Shamsi H, Shaked M, Segal O, Galazan L, Hay-Levy M, Sror M, Harlap-Gat A, Peer M, Moshkowitz M, Wolf I, Liberman E, Shenberg G, Gur E, Elran H, Melinger G, Mashiah J, Isakov O, Zrifin E, Gluck N, Dekel R, Kleinman S, Aviram G, Blachar A, Kessler A, Golan O, Geva R, Yossepowitch O, Neugut AI, Arber N.
J Clin Oncol
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Rapid 8-Zone Lung Ultrasound Protocol is Comparable to a Full 12-Zone Protocol for Outcome Prediction in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients.
Authors: Levy Adatto N, Preisler Y, Shetrit A, Shepshelovich D, Hershkoviz R, Isakov O.
J Ultrasound Med
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Impact of Post-Transplantation Hypomagnesemia on Long-Term Graft and Patient Survival after Transplantation.
Authors: Isakov O, Patibandla BK, Christopher KB, Chandraker A, Hod T.
Kidney Blood Press Res
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Can uric acid blood levels in renal transplant recipients predict allograft outcome?
Authors: Isakov O, Patibandla BK, Shwartz D, Mor E, Christopher KB, Hod T.
Ren Fail
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Targeted therapies for immune thrombocytopenic purpura: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Authors: Cohen I, Goldvaser H, Kirgner I, Leader A, Raanani P, Isakov O, Shepshelovich D.
Ann Hematol
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Assessing the involvement of the placental microbiome and virome in preeclampsia using non coding RNA sequencing.
Authors: Yoffe L, Kuperman AA, Isakov O, Haguel D, Polsky AL, Farberov L, Pillar N, Gurevich V, Haviv I, Shomron N.
J Perinat Med
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