Peter Park

Peter Park, PhD

Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Director, Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) PhD Track

10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115

Dr. Park is a Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School and the director of its Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics PhD program. His research group specializes in computational and statistical analysis of large-scale DNA sequencing data to understand genetic and epigenetic mechanisms related to disease processes. Originally trained in applied mathematics (B.A., Harvard; Ph.D., Caltech), he was introduced to molecular biology and genetics during his postdoctoral studies in biostatistics. His laboratory has developed several algorithms for genome analysis, especially for identification of structural alterations from whole-genome sequencing data, and has made substantial contributions to consortium projects such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE), and Brain Somatic Mosaicism Network, and 4D Nucleome (4DN).

DBMI Research Areas
DBMI Courses
Resolving rates of mutation in the brain using single-neuron genomics.
Authors: Evrony GD, Lee E, Park PJ, Walsh CA.
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The histone chaperone CAF-1 safeguards somatic cell identity.
Authors: Cheloufi S, Elling U, Hopfgartner B, Jung YL, Murn J, Ninova M, Hubmann M, Badeaux AI, Euong Ang C, Tenen D, Wesche DJ, Abazova N, Hogue M, Tasdemir N, Brumbaugh J, Rathert P, Jude J, Ferrari F, Blanco A, Fellner M, Wenzel D, Zinner M, Vidal SE, Bell O, Stadtfeld M, Chang HY, Almouzni G, Lowe SW, Rinn J, Wernig M, Aravin A, Shi Y, Park PJ, Penninger JM, Zuber J, Hochedlinger K.
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Pericentromeric satellite repeat expansions through RNA-derived DNA intermediates in cancer.
Authors: Bersani F, Lee E, Kharchenko PV, Xu AW, Liu M, Xega K, MacKenzie OC, Brannigan BW, Wittner BS, Jung H, Ramaswamy S, Park PJ, Maheswaran S, Ting DT, Haber DA.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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Building Sustainable Capacity for Cardiovascular Care at a Public Hospital in Western Kenya.
Authors: Binanay CA, Akwanalo CO, Aruasa W, Barasa FA, Corey GR, Crowe S, Esamai F, Einterz R, Foster MC, Gardner A, Kibosia J, Kimaiyo S, Koech M, Korir B, Lawrence JE, Lukas S, Manji I, Maritim P, Ogaro F, Park P, Pastakia SD, Sugut W, Vedanthan R, Yanoh R, Velazquez EJ, Bloomfield GS.
J Am Coll Cardiol
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A comparison of genetically matched cell lines reveals the equivalence of human iPSCs and ESCs.
Authors: Choi J, Lee S, Mallard W, Clement K, Tagliazucchi GM, Lim H, Choi IY, Ferrari F, Tsankov AM, Pop R, Lee G, Rinn JL, Meissner A, Park PJ, Hochedlinger K.
Nat Biotechnol
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Intron retention is a widespread mechanism of tumor-suppressor inactivation.
Authors: Jung H, Lee D, Lee J, Park D, Kim YJ, Park WY, Hong D, Park PJ, Lee E.
Nat Genet
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Somatic mutation in single human neurons tracks developmental and transcriptional history.
Authors: Lodato MA, Woodworth MB, Lee S, Evrony GD, Mehta BK, Karger A, Lee S, Chittenden TW, D'Gama AM, Cai X, Luquette LJ, Lee E, Park PJ, Walsh CA.
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Failure to replicate the STAP cell phenomenon.
Authors: De Los Angeles A, Ferrari F, Fujiwara Y, Mathieu R, Lee S, Lee S, Tu HC, Ross S, Chou S, Nguyen M, Wu Z, Theunissen TW, Powell BE, Imsoonthornruksa S, Chen J, Borkent M, Krupalnik V, Lujan E, Wernig M, Hanna JH, Hochedlinger K, Pei D, Jaenisch R, Deng H, Orkin SH, Park PJ, Daley GQ.
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Hallmarks of pluripotency.
Authors: De Los Angeles A, Ferrari F, Xi R, Fujiwara Y, Benvenisty N, Deng H, Hochedlinger K, Jaenisch R, Lee S, Leitch HG, Lensch MW, Lujan E, Pei D, Rossant J, Wernig M, Park PJ, Daley GQ.
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Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Primary Glioblastoma Genome.
Authors: Kim J, Lee IH, Cho HJ, Park CK, Jung YS, Kim Y, Nam SH, Kim BS, Johnson MD, Kong DS, Seol HJ, Lee JI, Joo KM, Yoon Y, Park WY, Lee J, Park PJ, Nam DH.
Cancer Cell
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