Peter Park

Peter Park, PhD

Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Director, Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics (BIG) PhD Track

10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115

Dr. Park is a Professor of Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School and the director of its Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics PhD program. His research group specializes in computational and statistical analysis of large-scale DNA sequencing data to understand genetic and epigenetic mechanisms related to disease processes. Originally trained in applied mathematics (B.A., Harvard; Ph.D., Caltech), he was introduced to molecular biology and genetics during his postdoctoral studies in biostatistics. His laboratory has developed several algorithms for genome analysis, especially for identification of structural alterations from whole-genome sequencing data, and has made substantial contributions to consortium projects such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE), and Brain Somatic Mosaicism Network, and 4D Nucleome (4DN).

DBMI Research Areas
DBMI Courses
BRD9 defines a SWI/SNF sub-complex and constitutes a specific vulnerability in malignant rhabdoid tumors.
Authors: Wang X, Wang S, Troisi EC, Howard TP, Haswell JR, Wolf BK, Hawk WH, Ramos P, Oberlick EM, Tzvetkov EP, Vazquez F, Hahn WC, Park PJ, Roberts CWM.
Nat Commun
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Detecting the mutational signature of homologous recombination deficiency in clinical samples.
Authors: Gulhan DC, Lee JJ, Melloni GEM, Cortés-Ciriano I, Park PJ.
Nat Genet
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Linked-read analysis identifies mutations in single-cell DNA-sequencing data.
Authors: Bohrson CL, Barton AR, Lodato MA, Rodin RE, Luquette LJ, Viswanadham VV, Gulhan DC, Cortés-Ciriano I, Sherman MA, Kwon M, Coulter ME, Galor A, Walsh CA, Park PJ.
Nat Genet
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MDM2 and MDM4 are Therapeutic Vulnerabilities in Malignant Rhabdoid Tumors.
Authors: Howard TP, Arnoff TE, Song MR, Giacomelli AO, Wang X, Hong AL, Dharia NV, Wang S, Vazquez F, Pham MT, Morgan AM, Wachter F, Bird GH, Kugener G, Oberlick EM, Rees MG, Tiv HL, Hwang JH, Walsh KH, Cook A, Krill-Burger JM, Tsherniak A, Gokhale PC, Park PJ, Stegmaier K, Walensky LD, Hahn WC, Roberts CWM.
Cancer Res
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A dynamic and integrated epigenetic program at distal regions orchestrates transcriptional responses to VEGFA.
Authors: Wang S, Chen J, Garcia SP, Liang X, Zhang F, Yan P, Yu H, Wei W, Li Z, Wang J, Le H, Han Z, Luo X, Day DS, Stevens SM, Zhang Y, Park PJ, Liu ZJ, Sun K, Yuan GC, Pu WT, Zhang B.
Genome Res
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The impact of chronic kidney disease on lower extremity bypass outcomes in patients with critical limb ischemia.
Authors: Ambur V, Park P, Gaughan JP, Golarz S, Schmieder F, Van Bemmelen P, Choi E, Dhanisetty R.
J Vasc Surg
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MicroRNA-29a activates a multi-component growth and invasion program in glioblastoma.
Authors: Zhao Y, Huang W, Kim TM, Jung Y, Menon LG, Xing H, Li H, Carroll RS, Park PJ, Yang HW, Johnson MD.
J Exp Clin Cancer Res
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HiGlass: web-based visual exploration and analysis of genome interaction maps.
Authors: Kerpedjiev P, Abdennur N, Lekschas F, McCallum C, Dinkla K, Strobelt H, Luber JM, Ouellette SB, Azhir A, Kumar N, Hwang J, Lee S, Alver BH, Pfister H, Mirny LA, Park PJ, Gehlenborg N.
Genome Biol
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Comprehensive Characterization of Cancer Driver Genes and Mutations.
Authors: Bailey MH, Tokheim C, Porta-Pardo E, Sengupta S, Bertrand D, Weerasinghe A, Colaprico A, Wendl MC, Kim J, Reardon B, Kwok-Shing Ng P, Jeong KJ, Cao S, Wang Z, Gao J, Gao Q, Wang F, Liu EM, Mularoni L, Rubio-Perez C, Nagarajan N, Cortés-Ciriano I, Zhou DC, Liang WW, Hess JM, Yellapantula VD, Tamborero D, Gonzalez-Perez A, Suphavilai C, Ko JY, Khurana E, Park PJ, Van Allen EM, Liang H, Lawrence MS, Godzik A, Lopez-Bigas N, Stuart J, Wheeler D, Getz G, Chen K, Lazar AJ, Mills GB, Karchin R, Ding L.
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Linking transcriptional and genetic tumor heterogeneity through allele analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data.
Authors: Fan J, Lee HO, Lee S, Ryu DE, Lee S, Xue C, Kim SJ, Kim K, Barkas N, Park PJ, Park WY, Kharchenko PV.
Genome Res
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