Shamil Sunyaev

Shamil Sunyaev, PhD

Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School
Professor of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

10 Shattuck Street, Room 311A, Boston, MA 02115

Shamil Sunyaev is a computational genomicist and geneticist. Research in his lab encompasses many aspects of population genetic variation including the origin of mutations, the effect of allelic variants on molecular function, population and evolutionary genetics, and genetics of human complex and Mendelian traits. He developed several computational and statistical methods widely adopted by the community. Sunyaev obtained a PhD in molecular biophysics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and completed his postdoctoral training in bioinformatics at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). He is an Institute Member at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. He also co-organizes the Boston Evolutionary Genomics Supergroup.

DBMI Research Areas
DBMI Courses
Admixture mapping identifies novel loci for obstructive sleep apnea in hispanic/latino americans.
Authors: Wang H, Cade BE, Sofer T, Sands SA, Chen H, Browning S, Stilp AM, Louie TL, Thornton TA, Craig Johnson W, Below JE, Conomos MP, Evans DS, Gharib SA, Guo X, Frazier-Wood AC, Mei H, Yaffe K, Loredo JS, Ramos AR, Barrett-Connor E, Ancoli-Israel S, Zee PC, Arens R, Shah NA, Taylor KD, Tranah GJ, Stone KL, Hanis CL, Wilson JG, Gottlieb DJ, Patel SR, Rice K, Post WS, Rotter JI, Sunyaev SR, Cai J, Lin X, Purcell SM, Laurie CC, Saxena R, Redline S, Zhu X.
Hum Mol Genet
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Functional architecture of low-frequency variants highlights strength of negative selection across coding and non-coding annotations.
Authors: Gazal S, Loh PR, Finucane HK, Ganna A, Schoech A, Sunyaev S, Price AL.
Nat Genet
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PINES: phenotype-informed tissue weighting improves prediction of pathogenic noncoding variants.
Authors: Bodea CA, Mitchell AA, Bloemendal A, Day-Williams AG, Runz H, Sunyaev SR.
Genome Biol
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A literature review at genome scale: improving clinical variant assessment.
Authors: Cassa CA, Jordan DM, Adzhubei I, Sunyaev S.
Genet Med
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novoCaller: A Bayesian network approach for de novo variant calling from pedigree and population sequence data.
Authors: Kumar Mohanty A, Vuzman D, Francioli L, Cassa C, Toth-Petroczy A, Sunyaev S.
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Multiethnic Meta-Analysis Identifies RAI1 as a Possible Obstructive Sleep Apnea-related Quantitative Trait Locus in Men.
Authors: Chen H, Cade BE, Gleason KJ, Bjonnes AC, Stilp AM, Sofer T, Conomos MP, Ancoli-Israel S, Arens R, Azarbarzin A, Bell GI, Below JE, Chun S, Evans DS, Ewert R, Frazier-Wood AC, Gharib SA, Haba-Rubio J, Hagen EW, Heinzer R, Hillman DR, Johnson WC, Kutalik Z, Lane JM, Larkin EK, Lee SK, Liang J, Loredo JS, Mukherjee S, Palmer LJ, Papanicolaou GJ, Penzel T, Peppard PE, Post WS, Ramos AR, Rice K, Rotter JI, Sands SA, Shah NA, Shin C, Stone KL, Stubbe B, Sul JH, Tafti M, Taylor KD, Teumer A, Thornton TA, Tranah GJ, Wang C, Wang H, Warby SC, Wellman DA, Zee PC, Hanis CL, Laurie CC, Gottlieb DJ, Patel SR, Zhu X, Sunyaev SR, Saxena R, Lin X, Redline S.
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol
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An integrated clinical program and crowdsourcing strategy for genomic sequencing and Mendelian disease gene discovery.
Authors: Haghighi A, Krier JB, Toth-Petroczy A, Cassa CA, Frank NY, Carmichael N, Fieg E, Bjonnes A, Mohanty A, Briere LC, Lincoln S, Lucia S, Gupta VA, Söylemez O, Sutti S, Kooshesh K, Qiu H, Fay CJ, Perroni V, Valerius J, Hanna M, Frank A, Ouahed J, Snapper SB, Pantazi A, Chopra SS, Leshchiner I, Stitziel NO, Feldweg A, Mannstadt M, Loscalzo J, Sweetser DA, Liao E, Stoler JM, Nowak CB, Sanchez-Lara PA, Klein OD, Perry H, Patsopoulos NA, Raychaudhuri S, Goessling W, Green RC, Seidman CE, MacRae CA, Sunyaev SR, Maas RL, Vuzman D.
NPJ Genom Med
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Bayesian inference of negative and positive selection in human cancers.
Authors: Weghorn D, Sunyaev S.
Nat Genet
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Identifying DNase I hypersensitive sites as driver distal regulatory elements in breast cancer.
Authors: D Antonio M, Weghorn D, D Antonio-Chronowska A, Coulet F, Olson KM, DeBoever C, Drees F, Arias A, Alakus H, Richardson AL, Schwab RB, Farley EK, Sunyaev SR, Frazer KA.
Nat Commun
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Lessons from the CAGI-4 Hopkins clinical panel challenge.
Authors: Chandonia JM, Adhikari A, Carraro M, Chhibber A, Cutting GR, Fu Y, Gasparini A, Jones DT, Kramer A, Kundu K, Lam HYK, Leonardi E, Moult J, Pal LR, Searls DB, Shah S, Sunyaev S, Tosatto SCE, Yin Y, Buckley BA.
Hum Mutat
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