Chirag Lakhani, PhD
Mentor: Chirag Patel, PhD
Chirag Lakhani received his PhD in mathematics from the North Carolina State University under the supervision of Amassa Fauntleroy. His dissertation research was in the area of algebraic geometry where he studied the deformations of a class of algebraic varieties that were of interest to string theorists studying mirror symmetry. After graduate school he spent time in industry where he helped implement data processing pipelines in the Hadoop/Spark environment as well as productionize a transaction classifier for credit card data. His current research interests can broadly described as trying to systematically understand the genetic and environmental contributions of disease. Two current projects in that vein are 1. Repurposing health care claims to study the environmental and genetic contributions of disease among family members 2. Aggregating publicly available environmental data sets in order to study geographic variation of disease.
Nat Genet
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Nat Genet
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