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Now that we have had our first scientific successes in precision medicine and even a new federal precision medicine initiative, will it help us treat disease? Even if we can more precisely diagnose patients and prognosticate about their future, does this mean we will have the right treatments for them? Do we have to wait for the traditional flow of science through the large pharmaceutical companies to get new effective drugs? Will engineering, whether in gene editing or device hacking, revolutionize care?
Read conference write-up, "Medicine Gone Rogue"
Precision Medicine: Rogue Therapeutics will directly address these questions and give a premeditatedly iconoclastic perspective. Our keynote speaker, Karen Aiach, did not start in medicine or pharmaceuticals, but specifically because of her long clinical journey with her daughter has founded a rapidly-growing biotech company for the treatment of the disorders of her child and those of others. We will also have panels featuring similarly patient-focused and even impatient approaches to finding therapies. As you can see from the agenda, this symposium follows very much in the spirit of our successful conference last year, Precision Medicine: Patient Driven.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016, 8:00 am – 5:30 pm ET
Joseph B. Martin Amphitheater, 77 Ave. Louis Pasteur, Boston
Welcome and Opening Remarks – Zak Kohane
Keynote – Karen Aiach, Lysogene: Rare Informs the Common
PANEL 1: What is driving Precision Medicine?
PANEL 2: What happens when patients take over?
PANEL 3: Marijuana: recreational to medicinal?
PANEL 4: Will engineering disrupt therapeutics?
Closing Keynote – Dave deBronkart
e-Patients: Empowered, Engaged, Equipped, Enabled
Conference co-sponsored by DBMI and PIC-SURE, a BD2K Center of Excellence
© 2025 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College